
Fatlip Fight Picks: UFC 135


Here we go again, the second Fatlip Fight Picks in a matter of two weeks. This one should be a doozy. In the main event we have Jon Jones vs. Quinton “Rampage” Jackson and the majority of our guys are picking Jones to dominate this match. The co-main event has our fellas picking Josh Koscheck to defeat Matt Hughes.

Here are our picks for UFC 135

Jon Jones vs Quinton “Rampage” Jackson

Jeremy Brand – Everyone seems to think this is gonna be a Beat Down by Jon Jones, I not so much. I see Rampage getting inside of Jones’ long limbs and dominating. Rampage Jackson by 3rd round TKO

Trevor Dueck – “Beat down.” – Ed Garcia on Fatlip Radio. I echo that same sentiment on this fight. Beat down! Sorry Rampage, but you “ain’t gonna get yo belt back.” I sort of see Rampage’s career slowly fading out after this fight. Jon Jones by unanimous decision.

Ed Garcia – I guess Rampage’s got a puncher’s in this, but let’s be real. When we say that, they don’t really have much of a chance at all. Jones is younger, bigger, stronger, faster, and more creative. I’m not buying into any of the crap that Jones is intimidated, he looks like at before every fight. Jon Jones by 2nd round TKO

JP Lasaleta –

Carlin Bardsley – As much as I’d love to see Rampage jack Jones’ jaw with one of his bombs, Jones’ reach, quickness and unpredictability will prove to be too much for the former champion. But I think Rampage will fare better than most seem to, and will take Jones into the championship rounds. Jon Jones by 4th round TKO

Steve Muehlhausen – The odds in this fight are ridiculous as Jones in some circles is a 7 to 1 favorite. How can that be facing a former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion and hasn’t even defended his title yet since he defeated Shogun Rua at UFC 128. Rampage coming off a victory over Matt Hamill at UFC 130 is motivated more than ever to get his title back. He reportedly spent around a $1 million in preparation for this fight. A motivated Jackson is a dangerous Jackson. There has been a lot of trash talk leading into this fight and rumors running rampant about spying which lead into the identity being revealed this morning on ESPN Sportscenter. I think Rampage is more calm and collected and relishes the underdog role. he’ll be able to get into the inside and thats when hes most dangerous and he will overwhelm Jones and finish him. Rampage Jackson 4th round TKO

Lea Young – My heart screams Rampage, but the reality is that Jones is explosive, quick, and like Carlin says, unpredictable. With those three things combined, I don’t think Rampage stands much of a chance. Jon Jones by 2nd round TKO

Josh Koscheck vs. Matt Hughes

Jeremy Brand – Matt Hughes just won’t have the speed to take on Koscheck. With the layoff that Koscheck has had he comes into this fight rejuvenated and looking to dominate. Josh Koscheck by 2nd round TKO

Trevor Dueck – So much I want to say and shouldn’t. I’ll wear the professional hat and say, Josh Koscheck by 1st round… KO.

Ed Garcia – Matt Hughes has one of the best resumes in the sport, but when you compile that type of resume it means you’ve been around a long time and in Hughes’ casein might be time to hang’s up soon. I’m not saying he should’ve done it already or he should do it after this fight but that times coming soon. I think a younger Matt Hughes would’ve demolished Josh Koscheck but this isn’t a younger Matt Hughes. Josh Koscheck by 2nd round TKO

JP Lasaleta –

Carlin Bardsley – My heart says Hughes, but my head says Koscheck. Even though Hughes appears to be rededicated in his training, his interviews show he’s still got one foot out the door. As someone wrote on MMASucka, Koscheck is pretty much a younger version of Hughes and is looking to re-establish himself after losing to GSP. I’ll look for Hughes to be game, but Kos to ultimately pull out the W. Josh Koscheck by decision

Steve Muehlhausen – Lot of people are writing off Hughes as he lost to BJ Penn via KO in 21 seconds at UFC 123 and rumors of pending retirement are sure to weighing on his mind. We haven’t seen Koscheck since his loss to Georges St.Pierre at UFC 124 as he suffered a broken orbital bone and haven’t seen him since. Koscheck is replacing Diego Sanchez and is taking this fight on 19 days notice. Will that be enough? Koscheck is younger, stronger and has a lot to prove here. This will be the end of the road for Hughes. Josh Koscheck by 2nd round TKO

Lea Young – Not gonna lie, I am not a fan of either of these two guys. However, I still think that Hughes has got a lot of fight left in him and it would give me great pleasure to see him finish Koscheck in some way, shape or form. Matt Hughes by 2nd round submission

Travis Browne vs. Rob Broughton

Jeremy Brand – This one is gonna be a barn burner. These two are gonna slug is out until one gases and the other knocks him out. Travis Browne by 1st round KO

Trevor Dueck – I have no idea who to pick in this one. My gut (and let me tell you it’s getting bigger) is going with Browne. Not really much more to say. Travis Browne by 2nd rond TKO

Ed Garcia – Travis Brown’s a killer in the cage and is gonna be too big and too strong for Broughton. He’s knocked out everyone in his way except for Chieck Kongo, and let’s be honest, that was only cause Kongo wouldn’t let go of Browne’s shorts. Travis Browne by 1st round KO

JP Lasaleta –

Carlin Bardsley – This one will be a “blink and you’ll miss it” affair between two guys who love to slug it out. Broughton was fun to watch in the old Cage Rage, but Browne’s on the way up and will leave this with a KO of the Night contender. Travis Browne by 1st round TKO

Steve Muehlhausen – This is a hard fight to pick. Browne has some of the heaviest hands in the division and this will be exception here as he goes through Broughton. Travis Browne by 2nd round KO

Lea Young – This is gonna be a major slugfest that I predict will finish very early. Browne is a KO machine, and I don’t think that this fight will be any different. Travis Browne by 1st round KO

Nate Diaz vs. Takanori Gomi

Jeremy Brand – Fight of the night in my opinion. It could be a fast one or an all out slug fest. Either way there will be some blood. Whoever loses this fight will be cut from the UFC. Takanori Gomi by 3rd round TKO

Trevor Dueck – Remember when Gomi was like the second coming of Jesus? No seriously I remember everyone was talking about how Gomi was the number one lightweight in the world if not the greatest. Remember when Nate Diaz’s brother beat Gomi back in 2007? Except Nick Diaz was super stoned on weed, so it was ruled a no contest? Remember that? Oh that Nick Diaz. Anyway, this is the younger brother Nate who is going back down to lightweight. Unfortunately to lose. I take Gomi by decision and Nate will think that he won after. Nick will finger the crowd etc…etc… Just another night with the Diaz brothers. Takanori Gomi by decision

Ed Garcia – These are two fighter who really really REALLY need this win. Diaz’ dropped two in a row and has had to drop back to lightweight while “The Fireball Kid” isn’t quite the same fighter that ruled PRIDE’s lightweight division. I think Diaz’ reach’ll be too for Gomi and the Cesar Gracie product’ll grind out a victory. Nick Diaz by decision

JP Lasaleta –

Carlin Bardsley – This should be a Fight of the Night contender. Two guys who love to fight and can push the pace. Like his brother, I expect Nate to be able to box up Gomi on the feet, wear him out, then when the fight hits the mat it’s all over. Nick Diaz by 2nd round Submission

Steve Muehlhausen – Fight of the Night contender as Diaz looking to rebound from his loss at UFC 129 to Rory McDonald and Gomi coming off a loss to Guida at UFC 125 as this is a must win for both guys. Diaz is a natural 155 and will be looking to get this fight to ground and I see him doing that and getting the victory. Nate Diaz by 2nd round submission

Lea Young – I am still a big fan of Gomi, and even though he is not the same fighter that we saw in PRIDE, I think that he will push the pace on Diaz. Takanori Gomi by Decision

Ben Rothwell vs. Mark Hunt

Jeremy Brand – Who is kissing who’s ass in the UFC here. Ben Rothwell by 1st round TKO

Trevor Dueck – Does Hunt have some naked photos of Dana White? Seriously how does Hunt have all these fights owed to him by the UFC? What kind of crazy contract did this man have back in the day? I think Ben Rothwell has more talent. Rothwell all day on this one. Ben Rothwell by 2nd Round …TKO.

Ed Garcia – Rothwell’s been out since fighting here in Vancouver at UFC 115 with a blow-out knee and a diverted septum. I don’t like picking guys coming off a long layoff because of an injury but he’s fighting Mark Hunt. Ben Rothwell by 1st round submission

JP Lasaleta –

Carlin Bardsley – Does the UFC still owe Hunt fights? I’ll pick the guy that WASN’T subbed by Sean McCorkle. Ben Rothwell by 1st round submission

Steve Muehlhausen – A very intriguing heavyweight fight as we haven’t seen Rothwell his defeated Gilbert Yvel at UFC 115 and tore his ACL in the bout and Hunt with KO victory over Chris Tuchscherer at UFC 127. Always the first fight back from knee injuries and long layoffs look rusty and this fight will be the case. Mark Hunt by 1st round KO

Lea Young – I agree with Ed about not liking to pick guys coming off of an injury (unless it’s GSP or Anderson Silva)… so Mark Hunt by 2nd round submission

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Jeremy Brand is an experienced MMA writer and columnist. He is the founder of MMASucka.com, and has represented the company with media credentials at many mixed martial arts fights. Jeremy is also a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, training in BC, Canada.

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