
Commission (NSAC) Grants Overeem Conditional License


Alistair Overeem will be having a phone conversation with the Nevada State Athletic Commission for reasons that have not been announced to the public yet. During the UFC 140 broadcast the MMA world was set a buzz due to a tweet sent out that stated Overeem would be out of his fight against Brock Lesnar at UFC 141 on Dec. 30.

Questions are coming in to play as to Overeem flying home to Holland to deal with his ailing mother.

We will see whether Overeem will receive his official license to fight on Dec.30.

Below are highlights thanks to

-Alistair Overeem is on the line from Holland. It’s late there, which makes it even stupider that they waited this long into the conference to talk to him.

-On the 17th of November, they requested a test with Alistair Overeem and the next day, they were informed there was no place for Lesnar to be tested. Lesnar went to a hospital three days later than they would have liked but he tested and was fine. They didn’t hear back from Overeem’s camp for several days, not until the 21st and they were informed he had flown back to Holland. Overeem, I believe the 23rd eventually did take a test but all he did was a blood test which was not what they asked for.

-They received the blood test on the 30th and all levels were normal, but it wasn’t the urine test they requested.

-From the sounds of it, Overeem went to Holland to be with his sick mother at 6 p.m. on the day he was notified of his test he needed to take.

-Overeem took an observed urine test on December 7th, but the results aren’t back yet.

-The commission finds it ‘somewhat incredulous’ that Overeem couldn’t find a proper testing facility for five days in an advanced country like Holland

-Overeem has been sworn in and has promised to tell the truth.

-Overeem apologizes for the situation. He says there were three factors involved: 1: His mother’s situation and moving his camp to Holland. 2: this was his first UFC fight and 3: The testing procedures in Holland vary compared to the testing procedures in America. He says he took a streroid test immediately upon hearing they wanted it. He got the results 10 days later and was informed by NSAC that he needed another test.

-Overeem says he took his blood test with his own doctor. The commission questions why they weren’t done in a lab.

-Overeem says he’s never taken steroid test like this before so this is new to him.

-Overeem says he was informed of his mother’s condition two days before he left. He did the UFC Countdown show first before flying out. He finished taping and went straight to the airport.

-Overeem says he was informed by his assistant about the test either Saturday or Sunday but didn’t find out that he had to take the test immediately until even later. He says he had no knowledge about the NSAC requesting a test before he flew to Holland on the 17th.

-Overeem took his first test in a facility and took a blood sample. He says they asked for the blood sample, he gave them one and he thought he was done. When he got the results, he sent them to his assistant who then sent the results to Keith Kizer. He heard that the test was insufficient from his assistant and that he’d have to redo the test. He says he redid the test the next morning.

-Overeem says he was informed that he had to retake the test one week ago on Tuesday, the 6th of December and then he went in for another test on the 7th of December.

-Overeem, under oath, says he made no efforts to avoid taking the tests and that he did everything his assistants relayed to him. He’s doing a lot of deflecting onto his assistants.

-Overeem says he bought the ticket to get back to Holland on the 15th. This could be his saving grace, we’ll see.

-Overeem says he’s never had to take it upon himself to take a test before. He just provided urine samples before and after fights for the commission at the venue.

-Overeem’s assistant is on the line. We’ll see if he lies down on a sword for him. He admits that he’s got a full-time job on the side of being his assistant and is based in San Francisco.

-Assistant says he called to inform Overeem’s manager, he didn’t pick up. He sent an e-mail with the message. He says he didn’t hear about a timeframe that Overeem needed to take the test upon being informed.

-Assistant says he doesn’t work with other athletes and hasn’t dealt with commissions before.

-Overeem says he didn’t do any testing with the UFC when he went under contract with them for this fight.

-They will go into deliberations now.

-Commission says there was an unfortunate lack of urgency coming from Overeem and his camp in response to the random steroid test request.

-It sounds like they are going to grant Overeem a license conditionally. He’ll have to take more tests and then be tested for the next six months.

-The commission is also discussing future punitive measures if you don’t respond and take your test in a timely manner.

-If Overeem’s test taken on December 7th is negative and if he takes post-fight tests after UFC 141 as well as up to six months later, they will approve him. Failure to provide the samples could be cause for revoking.

-They bring up a motion about Overeem getting licensed but it fails to be seconded. They deliberate more.

-New motion is brought up. Overeem will get a conditional license but must take a new test at an independent facility within 72 hours, must be tested again once he arrives in the United States and must take random tests for the next year at his own expense. It is approved and Overeem has been granted a license.

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Jeremy Brand is an experienced MMA writer and columnist. He is the founder of, and has represented the company with media credentials at many mixed martial arts fights. Jeremy is also a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, training in BC, Canada.

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