Behind The Shirt

Behind the Shirt w/ Marc Wilson #8: Small World


My apologies for the delay in my articles lately. I have spent a lot of time out of the country and working on a very big project that I wish I had some news on. I learned very early in my business to not say too much before contracts are signed… I say that with a lesson in tow.

That’s not what I am here to talk about today though as I have some helpful advice for people in this, or any other relatively small industry. I say “small” but we all know that MMA as a whole is becoming very large, very quickly. Fortunately for those of us in this business, it has succeeded thanks to a small amount of hard workers instead of (to some degree) massive amounts of people and investors like some other industries.

In a “small” industry it is important to treat every opportunity as something that can make or break your future. I personally have had the chance lately to be interviewed by and presenting to the top brands in this industry and that is due to making friends and colleagues with everyone I can possibly connect with and always make it very clear what you do and why you do it. If you follow me on any of my social medias (Twitter – @Derailed_Ind, Facebook – Derailed Apparel and Marc Wilson, Linkedin – Marc Wilson and Derailed Industries, etc.) you will know that I am working on something very big. That opportunity was opened to me by someone who has worked with a company that I DO NOT represent for a long time, but have spoken to on many occasions about projects and new opportunities, but surprisingly have never gotten together on a job. Since things are still in talks, I don’t want to mention names but as soon as contracts are signed this person will definitely be recognized for speaking highly of me to the new owners of the company I am in talks with (He also has no working relation with this new company – more proof to this concept).

I really wish that I could say more about the details of MY situation, but I assure you I will say everything when I can…

To put it on a smaller more personal scale, I am reluctantly proud to announce that one of Derailed Industries longest running Sales Reps, Pat Chapman used his training experience in his training center in St. Catherines along with his experience with Derailed as the MMA Sales Manager for Ontario into a GREAT opportunity to work full-time at the brand new TapouT Training Center in Burlington, Ontario. We are very proud of Pat and his great opportunity as well as his announcement of his engagement to his Fiancé too. I don’t want to take credit for his success, but I am sure he has Derailed Industries proudly on his resume. We are proud to see him move on to something great for him and his new family.

Long story short… regardless of the level of involvement in the industry of choice, make sure you treat everyone like they could be someone who could decide your future. More often than not, in a small, often well-connected and media savvy industry they will help you out in some way, shape or form. This can be something as simple as a great connection or large in terms of a life-changing opportunity like Derailed Industries or our own Pat Chapman.

Congratulations to Pat and we wish him the best in his future with TapouT Training Center. Who wants to be the next success story in this industry? I think you will see that it is Derailed as soon as we get a chance to announce our new business…

Not to toot my own horn!

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Jeremy Brand is an experienced MMA writer and columnist. He is the founder of, and has represented the company with media credentials at many mixed martial arts fights. Jeremy is also a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, training in BC, Canada.

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