
Jon Jones with a Shotgun, Anything Scarier?

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I can’t think of anything scarier than Jon Jones with a shotgun. The heavyweight had an eventful Sunday. While spending some quality time at home, “Bones” was the victim of an alleged robbery. A video he posted from his home security caught an individual going from car to car in his driveway. He was seemingly looking for items to steal or perhaps a car to get away with.

Jon Jones with a Shotgun is Terrifying!

Jones appeared to run out of his garage, shotgun in hand, and chase the prowler away. Jones would say that he caught up with the alleged thief and tapped on his car window with his shotgun muzzle. The would-be robber made a hasty getaway and seemingly didn’t make out with any of Jones’ personal items. You can see the video below.

All I know is I’d hate to try and break into Jon Jones’ cars or house and be met face to face with a shotgun carrying Jones. Truth be told, it’s highly unlikely that the Albuquerque resident would have needed a gun to hold a significant advantage over the prowler.

What’s next for Bones?

Jones is currently making the transition to heavyweight after giving up his light heavyweight title and seeking new opportunities at heavyweight. He doesn’t currently have a fight scheduled. He will undoubtedly get a highly ranked heavyweight in his debut. Depending on how pan out, could meet Stipe Miocic for the heavyweight title. It could happen sooner, rather than later.


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Dan has been covering and writing about MMA since 2001 when he started at Sherdog. He is a fan of all Bay Area sports teams and loves the San Francisco 49ers.

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