
BSD on Doping: Nurmagomedovs are “loaded like mules!”

Image for BSD on Doping: Nurmagomedovs are “loaded like mules!”

Surging top contender of the UFC’s lightweight division, Benoit Saint-Denis, recently had an interview with the French daily newspaper “Le Figaro”. There, he talked about his plans for the near future, the evolution of MMA in France, but also briefly discussed an important topic that is – doping and steroids in the sport of MMA.

Saint-Denis is one of the most exciting fighters, not only in his division, but also in the entire UFC. With all of his victories coming by finish, his amazing background and honest, fearless personality – Dana White and the UFC have a potential star in the making! Here, we will put BSD’s most recent comments, regarding Usman Nurmagomedov’s failed drug test.

Saint-Denis says that he has no doubts that Islam Makhachev and co. are on PEDs

Just around two months ago, Usman Nurmagomedov fought Brent Primus in the semi-final of Bellator’s GP Lightweight tournament. The (now) former champion, one of the brightest prospects outside of the UFC, has dominated Primus throughout the entire fight and seemingly claimed yet another easy victory.

That wouldn’t be the case because after the fight – drug tests came in positive! Still, to this day, fight fans don’t know what substance the young Dagestani fighter tested positive for, as we only have the info his manager put out there. Abdelaziz said that it wasn’t any anabolic, such as EPO or HGH, but rather a prescribed drug that Usman had to take.

Le Figaro asked BSD to reveal if he has any concerns about doping in the sport of MMA and how that affects him, while the interviewer connected it to Nurmagomedov’s failed drug test. Saint-Denis said: “There is no doubt anymore. I am sure that they are loaded like mules.” He further explained that he believes that they are very smart with how they do stuff.

Saint-Denis connected the dots and set the example of Russian athletes getting banned from the Rio Olympic Games in 2016. Russians were massively found out for having a substance called meldonium before the Games. BSD stated that Makhachev, too, tested positive for this same drug precisely that same year (2016.).

Later, drawing parallels to the NFL and how there is an “off-season” for athletes to take whatever they want, he firmly stated his philosophies about PEDs, stating that it’s a big challenge to be a clean athlete but also putting it out there – how important it is for him to set an example to his kids and everyone, about doing things the right way.

The Frenchman’s Future

BSD just returned from a couple of weeks of vacation with his family. He explained that this was when he completely stayed away from MMA and the sport while enjoying time with his family. After having three fights in just around five months – it was a well-deserved vacation.
Now, it is back to business.

Possible UFC Paris Bout Against Mateusz Gamrot

Benoit Saint-Denis declared Gamrot one of his most exciting matchups for him at this point, stating that the former KSW double champ is what excites him sporting-wise the most. This fight would undoubtedly be a treat to watch. A fighter like Saint-Denis, who finishes everyone against a similarly relentless opponent who has never been taken out, is sure to produce fireworks.The Frenchman is very realistic, pointing out that he probably has to fight twice more to get the shot at the champ. Following his development in the UFC will be extremely exciting, as we rarely encounter a competitor with such a combination of unusual background and finishing ability inside the cage.

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