A 175-pound catchweight bout between Bryce Gougeon and Stuart Deleurme has been added to the BFL 67 fight card.
Bryce Gougeon Takes on Stuart Deleurme...
A featherweight feud will finally be settled, as Josh Kwiatkowski and Lucas Neufeld has been inked for BFL 67.
Josh Kwiatkowski vs. Lucas Neufeld goes...
Perennial contender and former number one bantamweight in Canada, Jamie Siraj could very soon be making his return to the sport.
Jamie Siraj in talks...
The return of the longest-running British Columbia-based MMA promotions is upon us. On Friday, March 19, Battlefield Fight League returns to Vancouver for a...
The Battlefield Fight League lightweight title is up for grabs at BFL 66, as champion Achilles Estremadura takes on Curtis Demarce.
The promotion announced the...
A heavyweight bout between Caio Machado and Lee Mein has been inked for Battlefield Fight League 66.
The promotion announced the bout on Tuesday evening.
British Columbia's premier fight promotion, Battlefield Fight League (BFL) has signed a multi-year licensing deal to broadcast their events on UFC Fight Pass.
The news...
Battlefield Fight League heads to the Vancouver Convention Centre on Saturday, February 8th to bring BFL 65 A New Era. With three professional title...
Battlefield Fight League returns on February 8, 2020, from Vancouver, B.C. The BFL 65 fight card will feature an abundance of title fights.
The main...