UFC - Page 1028

Should Judges and Referees Answer To The Media?

One of the bigger talking points coming out of this weekend’s UFC 142 event in Rio De Janero, Brazil was the refereeing on display...

Jose Aldo’s UFC 142 Victory Celebration

An entire nation unites around a stellar victory. Witness the incredible celebration in Rio as Jose Aldo holds onto his featherweight title. Relive this and other epic moments, including one of the most devastating spinning wheel kicks in UFC® history. Catch the replay for UFC RIO™: Aldo vs. Mendes, right now on ufc.tv

ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” Full Uncut Interview with Lorenzo Fertitta

The UFC has released the full, unedited, uncut interview that ESPN's "Outside the Lines" did with Lorenzo Fertitta. The edited interview that ESPN aired...

Dana White Responds to ESPN’s “Outside the Lines”

Dana White has put out a response video to ESPN's "Outside the Lines" look into the UFC's pay structure. Check out the 12 minute video...

“Bang” Ludwig Gunning For Josh Neer

Duane Ludwig got a great present on Christmas Eve last year when UFC figurehead Dana White gave him the  news that his knockout of...

Joe Rogan On Why He Questioned Yamasaki On Air

It's not often that we hear from referees in the sport, and when we do it's almost never during an event, so at UFC 142 when Joe Rogan had pulled referee Mario Yamasaki aside for a post fight interview after the controversial call Yamasaki made to decide the Carlos Prater disqualification win over Erick Silva, many were intrigued to hear his view on the decision.

UFC 142: What’s Next For Main Card Winners?

The UFC and Brazil is a magical combination, last September they hosted their first event following a thirteen year drought and it was one...

Anthony Johnson Unemployed Following UFC 142 Defeat

"Three strikes and your gone" were the words that silenced the fate of ex-welterweight contender Anthony Johnson. Johnson moved up from 170-pounds while on a...

Brazilians Cash In With Fight Bounses At UFC 142

Tonight was a big night for  the Brazilians, not only did every Brazilian besides one leave with their hands raised they also scored big...

Aldo Retains Title, Celebrates In A Sea of Brazilians

There are moments in mixed martial arts history that remain etched into the hearts and minds of mixed martial arts fans – Hardcore followers...

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