
Chael Sonnen: I Don’t Have Time for “pee pee” Mouth


At UFC on Fox 2, Chael Sonnen will be taking on a very determined Mark Munoz, but that hasn’t stopped him from letting his mouth fly at every fighter possible. In a preview for tonights “Chael’s Corner” which is a part of “UFC Tonight” he states, “I will be announcing who I’ll be fighting very soon, but I promise you this: If I was GSP or Jon Jones, I’d be swallowing real deep right now.”

With those words being thrown, another light heavyweight was not scared to throw around some bones in Sonnen’s direction. None other than former light heavyweight champion Lyoto Machida had this to say via his twitter account,

“Chael Sonnen, I just got out of surgery, but can give you your gift inside the octagon with one arm and only if you accept the fight.”

Sonnen being someone who does not let actions slide had a response rather quickly for Machida…

“I don’t have time for “pee pee” mouth,” Sonnen replied via Twitter. “All the time I can spare him is enough to cold cock him and walk away.”

Sonnen has made it clear that he hopes to make a move to the light heavyweight division. No time frame on that has been set, but his focus at this point should not be Jones, GSP or Machida, it should be straight on his UFC on Fox 2 opponent Mark Munoz.

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Jeremy Brand is an experienced MMA writer and columnist. He is the founder of, and has represented the company with media credentials at many mixed martial arts fights. Jeremy is also a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, training in BC, Canada.


  • Fingerssfv says:

    I’m sure his focus IS on Munoz.  Why wouldn’t it be?  That’s who he is fighting next.  I’m sure when he’s in the gym that his focus is NOT on Jones or Machida or GSP.  Wouldn’t make any sense to think that way, when his opponent is Munoz.

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