MMA Musings

MMA Musing: Roy Nelson irks me


After a hiatus, MMA Musing is back. Congrats to Jimi Brocket on winning the last time out. He just got himself a T-shirt compliments of Punishment Athletics.  He did not agree with me on my take on Marijuana and TRT.  Although I think he was dead wrong, I always appreciate a well thought out debate. So here we go with another edition of MMA Musing; another chance for you to win a prize. Come correct people!

MMA Musing: Roy Nelson irks me

Speaking of performance enhancers, one guy who is not using PEDs is obviously Roy Nelson. Here is my take on the fat man.

I don’t get Roy Nelson. I have never really been a fan. Mind you, I try and keep the fanboy out of the equation and try to be as impartial as possible. Yet, there is something about Roy Nelson that just irks the hell out of me. In some ways I agree with what Dana White says about Roy not being the smartest kitten on the block. If growing your hair long and being fat is a great way to market yourself in the UFC, why haven’t more guys done it? The reason being is because it’s stupid. Pure and simple.

I don’t want to take anything away from Roy. He is fighting in the UFC and has some wins under his belt.  At times he surprises us all with some sort of knock-out, so I will give him that. What is frustrating for so many is that there probably was some God given talent in that man, and for whatever reason his true potential was never realized.  He was once a great Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, and he is a one trick pony in the stand up game. I love how people go on and on about how he is a black belt in BJJ, yet we have never seen him use it in the Octagon. In fact he hasn’t submitted anyone since 2006.

I almost laughed when Dana White said that “Big Country” Nelson is a well-rounded fighter. He’s round alright. From a skill standpoint we have never really seen Roy use his “legendary” Jits, nor have I seen anything in his stand up game that makes him dangerous. Yes he has knock-out power but any fighter worth their salt, knows how to avoid a guy with one dangerous right hand. Cue Stipe Miocic at UFC 161. Miocic put on a striking clinic and had no problems keeping his distance from Roy’s telegraphed punches.

When Roy has fought anyone with any degree of stand up prowess, Big Country has become a giant punching bag. How anyone thought Nelson was a top contender because he KO’ed an over the hill, heavyweight gate keeper in Cheick Kongo, is beyond me. People have short memories and forget that he got beat up badly by Junior Dos Santos, Fabricio Werdum and Frank Mir. Sure Roy can take a punch, but does that make him a top five heavyweight? He keeps talking about wanting to fight Cain Velasquez. Good Luck!

Roy looked horrible in his final fight on his UFC contract. Although Dana White is saying all the right things about wanting to resign Roy, you have to wonder if the Nevada native is looking elsewhere. What baffles me is according to White, Nelson was offered a contract extension a couple of months ago and failed to resign. Also, apparently a while back, Nelson complained to the UFC about still being on his TUF contract and so when Joe Silva decided to offer him more money, Nelson turned it down because it apparently “wasn’t enough.” So he decided to stay on his TUF contract.

You have to wonder if Roy is looking elsewhere to either start a bidding war, or if maybe he still has grand illusions of being a professional wrestler. Yes apparently Roy Nelson still has the dream of professional wrestling and would like to compete in MMA and perform in the wrasslin’ ring. The only organization that could offer him that is Bellator.  “King Mo” Lawal and Rampage Jackson all got similar deals with Bellator and Impact wrestling on Spike TV. Is Roy Nelson next? Something tells me that Roy wants a Bellator offer before seeing what the UFC will offer him. It might sound like a smart idea, but this is Roy Nelson we are talking about. It will probably back fire. I think DW said it best,

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He’s got a hell of a chin, and can knock people out, and he ain’t going to be winning any f@$%king spelling bees any time soon. Okay? Not the smartest man you will ever meet.

If Roy Nelson has fought his final fight in the UFC, I say good riddance.

What say you? Does Roy Nelson resign with the UFC?  Do you like his “act?” Make your comments known on the comment section below this post or on our Facebook page. Whether you agree or disagree with me let me know. The best comment wins a UFC Blue-ray DVD.


You can listen to Trevor on MMASucka Radio heard weekly on Follow him on Twitter @tdueckMMA

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also writes an MMA Column for 24 Hours Vancouver and contributes to

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  • smoger says:

    So you think he’s ‘stupid’ because he’s fat. You don’t think he handles his business well. You aren’t sure if he’s got a clear direction in his chosen career. Life is tough cupcake! Roy’s doing alright.

  • JohnnyB says:

    As long as Roy is in the UFC, he will always be a gatekeeper. He can beat the mediocre guys, while losing to the real competition. The only way he would ever be Champ is if he signed with WSOF or Bellator. He has talked about dropping to 205 but, that has been all talk and I don’t think it will ever happen. Also even if he does, not much will change. 205ers are faster than HWs and will continue to outpoint him.

    So either Roy decides to be content with being a gatekeeper or goes to Pro Wrestling. As a gatekeeper, he still makes good money and fights for a few more years. As a Pro Wrestler, he will probably make a little more money and compete a little longer. Either way, he needs to realize that he will never be Champ. Dana knows this, rational fans know this, Roy knows this but, refuses to believe it. Running after opponents swinging your right hand at them will never win you a belt, it’s not the 90’s anymore.

    I hope the best for Roy but, he will never see the top of the mountain.

  • Trevor says:

    He is in the UFC and he doesn’t conduct himself as a professional, he doesn’t train properly, he doesn’t eat properly and he doesn’t optimize on the business side of things. He might be doing alright to you, but I see that as FAIL. Yet there he is out there trying to market himself as a failure. Not a sound business strategy…sweet cheeks. 🙂

  • Trevor says:

    100% agree. You really sum it up nicely.

  • JohnnyB says:

    Thank you. I knew he was going to win TUF 10 but, I also knew he would never be Top 5 ever. I do think he would do better if he would use his ground game more but, he refuses to. Such a waste of great talent.

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