
Get to Know: Ashley Cummins

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As fans, we keep tabs on fighters before and after they compete. We hear their thoughts on opponents, their place in a weight class or organization, or just their bouts in general. But what do they think of the sport from our perspective and enjoy doing outside of the cage? Get to know Ashley Cummins, who fights Stephanie Alba at Invicta FC 27 on Saturday, Jan. 13.

Age- 30
Hometown- St. Louis
MMA record- 5-4
Nickname- Smashley
Weight class- Atomweight

Get to Know Ashley Cummins

Favorite mixed martial artists?

“Shayna Baszler growing up.”

Mixed martial artists you currently look up to?

“Dustin Poirier. The thing I look for in people is compassion. Poirier auctions off his fight kits to good charities and I really admire that. He’s a good fighter too so I enjoy watching him fight.”

Favorite striking discipline?

“Muay Thai.”

Favorite submission?


Any other jobs outside of fighting?

“Police officer.”

If you were not fighting, you would…

“Still be a police officer, compete in jiu-jitsu, powerlifiting competitions, weight-lifting. I always want to be doing some type of athletics.”

What are your hobbies?

“Work and training, and rescuing animals. Rescuing stray and abused dog and cats. If I’m not doing one of those three things, I’m probably sleeping.”

Favorite food?


Favorite fast food joint?

“I don’t eat fast food. If I had to eat fast food, I’d go to Burger King. They have veggie burgers there. I love veggie burgers.”

Favorite candy?

“I love Nutella. I think I have an addiction. After my fight, I can’t wait to have a jar of it. I have a brand new jar in my cupboard that I’ll bring to Kansas City and have it after my fight.”

Favorite television show?

“I used to watch The Walking Dead. I stopped watching after the last season.”

Favorite movie?

“End of Watch. It was the most realistic movie to how cops really are. I like that it showed how we really are: ordinary people with families.”

Favorite superhero?

“I don’t watch any of those superhero movies. I’m not a big fan of fiction.”

Favorite music artist?

“Staind and Breaking Benjamin.”

Favorite video game?

“I used to play videogames all the time in middle school. Once I started high school, I was so into sports so I stopped. It was a Zombie killing video game. I liked any game I could shoot. As long as I was firing a gun, I liked it.”

Favorite sports teams?

“St. Louis Blues.”

Check out Cummins’ thoughts on her upcoming bout against Alba here.

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Michael is a big MMA fan who enjoys interviewing the sport's athletes, writing about the sport, and just discussing it. He earned his Master's in Journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and his B.A. in Journalism at Stony Brook University. He also enjoys hockey, football and baseball. Feel free to hit him up if you want to discuss MMA, or any other sport!

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