The most highly anticipated product on the supplement front for the year 2016 was Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard BCAA’s and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a couple of bottles the week after they were released.
Having taken BCAA’s in the past, what better way to give a review than to compare them to previous products that have been taken?
Sometimes you think a product is working, because it’s psychologically in your head. Well, ON’s (Optimum Nutrition) latest blend has a unique blend of electrolytes and natural botanical ingredients like rhodiola and wellmune, which supercharge immunity and endurance through any of your kick ass workouts through the entire week. Having gone on the ketogenic train over the last few months I have noticed my workouts, not just in the gym, but at jiu jitsu as well, have been rather lacking. Not so much at the beginning, but near the end I have been drained and after it felt like a train had run me over. Since taking the Gold Standard during my gym workouts and in between rolls on the mats I feel like I can just keep pushing. Also my muscles aren’t as fatigued following the workouts.
In the past, other BCAA products state that they can do the above, however none of them have worked to maintain the rigorous training schedule that I have had.
Being a mixed martial arts site, things like USADA testing and banned substances come up a lot. Optimum Nutrition actually took the leg work out of googling whether these BCAA’s are fine for you to take or not — well guess what? They are banned substance tested and they are approved.
The Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard BCAA’s are available in four fruit flavors – Strawberry Kiwi, Cranberry Lemonade, Fruit Punch and Watermelon.
The flavor that I have been testing over the past few weeks is the fruit punch. It tastes delicious; not one of those ones that you can’t wait to finish. It also mixes super easy – whether you want to throw it in a glass and mix with a spoon or you throw it in your favorite shaker cup, it doesn’t matter there are no floaties.
If you are looking for what many in the industry have considered highly anticipated and I can tell you from experience that it will definitely do the trick, then get your hands on a bottle of this product.
At just $28.99 for 28 servings, don’t miss out on the next generation of fitness with Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard BCAA’s. Head on over to and buy a tub for yourself.
TASTE – 10/10
PRICE – 9/10 (Could have been a 30 day serving