Bayou Fighting Championship

Bayou Fighting Championship: Fightville 3 Full Review

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Bayou Fighting Championship: Fightville 3 took place Friday, January 18, 2019 inside the Heymann Performing Arts Center in Lafayette, Louisiana. The 11-fight card completely delivered to the full house on hand. For the abridged results-only page, click here. The event also crowned a Fightville Bantamweight Amateur Champion.

First Round Finisher to Start the Show

The opening fight of the night showcased the hometown Gladiators Academy long-time member Deontre Plumbar. Plumbar took the fight on about 10 days notice against Logan Navarre. After the bell rang to start the contest, Plumbar landed some stiff body shots that were evident to hurt Navarre. He continued to show his verse striking landing body kicks on Navarre to keep Navarre guessing as to what is coming next. Showing he is a complete mixed martial artist, Plumbar landed a solid takedown and began to rain strikes to the side and kidney of Navarre, leading to the tap by strikes. Deontre Plumbar was declared the winner via round 1 TKO at 1:01.

On earning the win, Plumbar told MMA Sucka, “It felt great. It still seems unbelievable. Physically I have been preparing for a fight for a longtime being at Gladiators.” Plumbar has been under Tim Credeur at Gladiators since the age of 10. “It was just mentally preparing and believing in my technique and training.”

A Hard-Fought Battle Continues the Night of Action

Team Juggernaut BJJ made their first of three appearances of the night with striker Ken Handy as he took on Gavin Levorich. Handy came out of the gate quick swinging heavy strikes. The two engaged in a quick fire-fight but Levorich was unable to make any solid connections. Levorich pressed Handy against the cage and performed a beautiful toss taking Handy to the ground. Handy was able to show his solid defense and get the fight back to the feet before landing some heavy strikes. Levorich looked for the takedown where it looked like his best chance to change the tide was on the ground. Handy was able to lock in a triangle choke and roll it into a top mount position. After rolling the triangle choke back to the standard position, Levorich was able to escape as the first round concluded.

Handy came out of the gate locking in a standing guillotine choke. After breaking free Levorich took the battle to the ground where he had the advantage all fight. Levorich did a nice job pinning Handy’s hands away to land some solid ground strikes. The fight came to an end when Levorich moved to the mount and dropped down ground and pound leading o the referee stoppage. Gavin Levorich was declared the winner via round 2 TKO at 1:59.

Three Round Standup Battle Between Gladiators and Juggernaut

Fightville 3 Full Review

Braxton King (Photo courtesy of Jodi Bricker)

The last battle before the first intermission showcased two young fighters in Aubrey McMurray of Gladiators and Braxton King of Team Juggernaut BJJ. McMurray pressed the action early but King was able to land a takedown into side control. McMurray kept working and was able to eventually move to the top and land a few strikes before King brought the fight back to the feet. The forward pressure continued by McMurray who locked King in a standing guillotine choke and walked King to the cage. King continued to display his solid submission defense and broke free, delivering heavy hands on the break. McMurray went back to the apparent gameplan of keeping tight pressure on King, going for another standing guillotine. It was transitioned into a headlock before taking the fight to the ground.

Round two began with the two exchanging kicks before McMurray clinched King again in attempts for the takedown. After landing a big right strike, McMurray was able to get King back to the ground. King continued to show his resilience and brought the fight to the feet before land a huge suplex on McMurray to switch the tide with a takedown of his own. King transitioned to side control and delivered heavy shots before the round concluded. Round three was the beginning of the end for McMurray as King began to swing heavy shots which sent McMurray into the cage. King’s onslaught continued until the referee pulled King off. Braxton King was declared the winner via round 3 TKO at 0:29.

First Decision of the Night 

The Gladiators showcase continued with all-around fighter Rylan Melancon taking on Ghazi Khan. Melancon came out aggressively and landed a huge slam on Khan. After the fight returned to the feet, Khan did a great job avoiding strikes with head movement and quick foot work. Melancon remained aggressive throughout the round. Once the fight went to the ground the pace did slow down a bit before the bell rang to end the round.

Round two consisted of a striking display in the center of the cage. Khan performed a series of a jab then roll out combos making it difficult for Melancon to land anything. As the round continued, Melancon began to figure out Khan’s pattern leading to some heavy strikes that rocked Khan. Round three was more of the second round with strikes exchanged between the fighters. As the round concluded, Melancon landed a heavy right hand and moved in for a clinch. After the clinch was set in, Melancon delivered a couple of stiff knees. Rylan Melancon was announced the winner via unanimous decision.

Amazing KO earns the Knockout of the Night Honors

The fifth matchup of the night delivered the clear-cut knockout of the night as Elliot Hebert of Gladiators took on Blake Fugler of Gracie Unite Baton Rouge. Hebert quickly became a fan-favorite with his high energy entrance and dancing, playing to the crowd. His entrance of jumping into the cage from the floor to inside the cage drew a big crowd response. As soon as the bell rang, Hebert sprinted across the cage and delivered a flying kick a la Travis Browne vs. Fabricio Werdum. Hebert continued with heavy, homerun style shots with one finding it’s home and dropping Fugler to the ground instantly. Elliot Hebert was announced the winner via round 1 KO at 0:48.

Dominant Ground Display by the Former State Wrestling Champ

One of the top talents at Gladiators Academy, Tyrek Malveaux, displayed his dominant game yet again as he took on the Cuban, Jordan Salgado, representing Gracie Barra-Westchase. About 20 seconds into the first round, Malveaux dropped Salgado with a heavy strike that sent the crowd to their feet. Malveaux immediately implemented his dominant ground game nearly locking in a rear naked choke. After the choke was released, Malveaux locked in a nice body triangle and delivered very well selected strikes as the first round concluded.

Salgado pressed the action early knowing Malveaux got the better of the two in the first round. Salgado landed a takedown but Malveaux immediately ended up on top where he continued to control Salgado for most of the round. Knee strikes from Malveaux were well placed on Salgado as Malveaux’s domination on the ground continued until the end of the round.

Fightville 3 Full Review

Tyrek Malveaux vs. Jordan Salgado (Photo courtesy of Jodi Bricker)

Round three saw the former three-time Louisiana state wrestling champion land another takedown on Salgado. Malveaux moved into a top mount and struck Salgado with several well-placed body shots. Salgado tried to pull Malveaux in to eliminate the damage of each strike but Malveaux postured back up and rained down strikes until the referee stoppage. Tyrek Malveaux was announced winner in round 3 via TKO at 1:28.

“The Ghost” Continues to Spook the Division

Gladiators Academy’s AJ Fletcher continued his hot run as he took on Mississippi-based fighter, Jamal Peyton. Fletcher came into the contest wanting to continue to show the evolution of his MMA game. He is already known as a dangerous striker but has been wanting to make a point that his grappling game is as dangerous as his standup. Fletcher continued to show his evolution landing a big takedown and dominating the whole first round with top control and landing some heavy-handed strikes. The first round could have very easily ended 10-8.

In the second round the two fighters exchanged a few strikes with Fletcher getting the better of the exchanges with some big leg kicks. Fletcher continued to use his wrestling, which had been working all contest, to score a big double leg takedown. Fletcher eventually rolled Peyton into an armbar leading to the referee stopping the contest. AJ Fletcher was announced the winner in round 2 via armbar submission at 2:35.

Fightville 3 Full Review

AJ Fletcher (Photo courtesy of Jodi Bricker)

It felt good. Initially I planned on using leg kicks and my wrestling as a way to wear him down to eventually set up either an overhand right or a head kick,” Fletcher told MMA Sucka. “But I realized early in the first my wrestling was much more of an advantage than I had anticipated and felt I could finish from there so I switched it up. Having the confidence to actually go to my wrestling as an adjustment and know I can finish guys there too opens up a whole other side to my game.”

The Dark Knight Returns in Dominating Fashion

The Dark Knight Chris Jean Batiste of Headkicks MMA returned to his winning ways as he took on Darrence Brooks. The first round began with both fighters looking to gain the advantage and test their range. Eventually Brooks was able to get the takedown but Batiste quickly took the upper hand on the ground. He was able to land some solid body shots on Brooks while in the top position. The round conclude with Batiste still on top.

Both fighters wanted to display their striking game to start the second round. Batiste landed a heavy right hand that sent Brooks reeling to regain composure. Brooks quickly went to the clinch position to regain himself. Batiste took down Brooks from the clinch position and remained in top control until the round ended.

Round three saw more domination by Batiste with early solid strikes. Batiste eventually landed the takedown and rained down shots until the referee stopped the action. Chris Jean Batiste was named the winner via round 3 TKO at 1:36.

Absolute Fight of the Year Candidate for the Title

The fight on everyone’s “to see” list did not fail to deliver show-stopping action. Gladiators Academy’s Abram Sellers took on Team Juggernaut BJJ’s Logan Speyrer. This fight of the night has been one of the closest matchups to date with the title coming down to a split decision.

As expected both fighters came out displaying their standup games with Speyrer landing a series of shots. Sellers’ chin showed to be made of iron and landed a huge strike that stunned Speyrer momentarily. Speyrer rebounded quickly and began to continue the forward movement of heavy punches and kicks. Sellers was able to use his solid grappling game to get Speyrer to the ground and nearly lock in a rear naked choke. Speyrer rolled and maneuvered relentlessly to eventually break free. Sellers refused to surrender his ground position and attempted another rear naked choke as the first round concluded.

Round two began just like round one with the two warriors exchanging heavy shots and eating the best the other had to offer. Sellers took the fight where it appeared he had the best advantage, and that’s on the ground. Sellers earned top control but Speyrer was able to break loose. While trying to return to his feet, Sellers landed a very heavy shot on Speyrer as he was trying to return to the standup near the conclusion of round two.

Fightville 3 Full Review

Logan Speyrer vs. Abram Sellers (Photo courtesy of Jodi Bricker)

The Final Frame of Action and Judges’ Decision

The final frame of the contest had just as much energy and action as the previous two rounds. By this point the crowd was on their feet and the energy was through the roof. The battle was brought back to the ground where Speyrer was able to lock in a triangle choke momentarily before Sellers was able to escape. Speyrer landed a couple solid strikes on the bottom before attempting a rear naked choke. The fighters battled until the very last second where they both received a well deserved standing ovation.

The first two judges were split, with one giving Sellers the decision and the other giving Speyrer the decision. The crowd waited with anticipation for “Dynamite” David Hardy to announce the final judge’s card which read 29-28. Abram Sellers was announced the winner and crowned the Fightville Bantamweight Amateur Champion. It was no question Sellers and Speyrer were given the Fight of the Night awards prior to exiting the cage. Speyrer comment after the matchup that he was just out of gas and knows now that he needs to work on his cardio a bit to go a full nine minutes if need-be.

Co-Main Event and First Professional Bout of the Night

The first professional bout of the night showcased another Gladiators Academy standout in Justin Mead as he battled Devonairre Jones for their third encounter. Mead took bout matchups as amateurs and this third matchup marks their first against each other as professionals. This also marked Mead’s professional debut. The two started off exchanging a few strikes before Jones delivered a shot to Mead just as he was slipping and falling to the mat. Jones rushed in to try and capitalize but the referee stopped the action declaring Jones the winner via round one TKO at 1:09. The stoppage seemed a bit early to many in attendance as well as to Mead and his coaches.

Main Event Homecoming for one of Louisiana’s Best

The main event marked the return of one Louisiana’s best in JD Domengeaux since his return to Gladiators Academy. His opponent for the night was Nicholas Gay fighting out of Houston, Texas. The bout started with Domengeaux landing solid strikes. His strikes were all well picked and placed with no wasted motion. Gay looked a bit frustrated as he started to swing heavy strikes looking for the one-punch knockout. After a takedown by Gay, Domengeaux returned the battle to the standup. Prior to the round ending, Domengeaux landed good body shots and controlled Gay on the cage.

Domengeaux was unable to answer the bell to start the second round after sustaining a knee injury. He suffered a prior injury to that same knee/leg and did not want to take a chance to inflict further unneeded damage. Thankfully the injury was not major and Domengeaux knew his body well enough to avoid any long-term damage. Scoring the first round only, Domengeaux clearly was in control and looked on pace to earn a victory easily.

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Matt's love and passion for martial arts began at the age of four with Taekwondo. Matt later trained in Brazilian jiu-jitsu while serving nearly ten years in law enforcement. Matt has just recently discovered his passion of writing on mixed martial arts.

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