
Bellator’s Mansour Barnaoui Accused of Domestic Abuse

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Bellator lightweight fighter Mansour Barnaoui (20-6) is being accused of domestic abuse by his girlfriend. According to the French gossip news outlet, AQABABE, the allegations were posted on social media on October 27th by his girlfriend whose name is given as Joanne.

In a video that was released, it shows a pantless woman, allegedly to be Joanne, lying on the ground. Barnaoui steps over her and speaks French as he walks over. The video translated states “Mansour Barnaoui who’s skills are considered as a type of weapon under French laws, has beaten up his ex until she lost consciousness on the ground. Unfortunately, there are a lot of other videos like this one against him. When Barnaoui, speaks, the subtitles translate to “you’re making me crazy,” “you’re my bitch,” and “now calm yourself down.”

Barnaoui and his lawyer both responded separately to the accusations on social media.

Barnaoui wrote, “Hi everyone, As you may have noticed, I am being the object of allegations of extreme gravity, that stains my honor and that I formally deny. Those allegations are blatant lies, the reason why I have decided to sue. I am aware that the videos posted put me under a bad light, but they do not reflect the truth, which, I hope will soon be established. I am in possession of a good amount of proof that my lawyer is asking me to keep for the court due to the gravity of the accusations. I am against all forms of violence, especially against women. I thank everyone who takes the necessary step back to these allegations.”

His lawyer wrote, “My client, Mansour Barnaoui, is being the victim of defamatory accusations of grave importance. He is innocent and in possession of a lot of proof that he keeps available for court. He has not committed the alleged act that he is accused of, nor did he leave the (French) territory. Moreover, it is important to specify that my client is the victim of extortion, blackmail, threats, aggravated violence, and bullying. Therefore, we are seizing the (French) Republic attorneys for wrongful accusations, extortion, blackmail, threats, aggravated violence, and bullying. It appears now that the ‘social media court’ has to make way for the real court of justice to establish facts.”

Barnaoui has won many accolades in his 26-fight career including winning the Road FC 2019 lightweight tournament, participating in Bellator’s lightweight GP this year, and is a former BAMMA lightweight champion.

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Andrew has been a long time MMA and pro wrestling fan. When he isn't writing about MMA, he is usually training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, playing video games, or going bar hopping (he only drinks on days that end in "y"). He also co-hosts the RIZIN focused podcast "We are RIZIN" which you can listen to on Soundcloud & Stitcher.

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